時間というのは、誰にでも平等に与えられている。 けれどそこに存在するストーリーは、唯一無二。 僕はその中にある、 多幸感、光やぬくもり、凛とした空気のようなものを捉え続けてきた。 そしてある“ もの” に行き着いた。 言葉にするのであれば、デジャブのような懐かしさに似たものかもしれない。 ぬくもりのある光景、 肌で感じるにおい、 そこに流れる心地いい時間。 僕がずっと探し求めていた“ もの” とは、“ 儚さ” なのだと気づいた。 旅をテーマに写真を撮り始め1 0 年が経った。 儚さは、人の美しさと尊さを教えてくれた。
Time, It is the same for everyone. However, there are stories which exist only once. I continue to capture things like euphoria, light and warmth and a dignified air from my subjects. And so eventually I ended up at a certain THING. Warm scenery, The smell you feel on your skin, Where a pleasant time flows. I realized that what I was looking for is a kind of “ Ephemerality “ It's been 10 years since I started taking photos with the theme of travel. Ephemerality taught me the beauty and preciousness of people.
Akitaka Baba
Career text DL↓↓↓
Born in Osaka, I started my career with a fresh start by moving to Tokyo in 2014.
I have a knack for capturing the beauty and cuteness of scenes through soft colors and tones.
I also focus on incorporating design elements into my photography by changing perspectives.
My works are based on my unique aesthetic sense, aiming to provide viewers with healing and emotional impact.